Bed Head Nylon Magazine ad by FOOD ONE
The beautification specialists at TIGI were not satisfied with their street credibility, so they went out and enlisted graf animal Jim Mahfood aka FOOD ONE to hook up some of their image with some limited edition hair care product bottles...

Here's some early drafts...

Here's what the finished products looked like

Here's an interview promo Jim did. As someone who has had some (but not enough) success freelancing, I totally dig where he's coming from in this video. The hardest part about being a freelancer is figuring out how to find the top shelf clients, and whatever the secret is, Jim knows it and uses!

Anyways, I could geek out like this all day, but I don't really have time... click here to read more of my posts about FOOD's power moves, or get it straight from the tap on his blog.


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