Come rock with us at TITAN this Thursday night in Dallas!

The mighty Ghostwerks crew is having a party Thursday night at Titan Comics in Dallas
We're raising money for our Champion of Children Kickstarter campaign, which has less than a week remaining! We'll have a gang of artists sketching and maybe even painting live, as well as music by true school turntablist DJ Rob Viktum. 
The fine folks at Titan have agreed to take a cut of ANYTHING bought at the register between the hours of 7pm-9:30 pm and make a contribution to the Kickstarter, so we need everybody to buy whatever comics you planned to buy this week at Titan between 7-9.30 on Thursday! Titan also has a monstrous supply of Graphic Novels and trades to choose from, so grab a friend and come get that book you've been meaning to buy (for yourself or someone else) and help us bring back the greatest hip hop flavored martial-arts-powered kid superhero comic ever at the same time!
I'll also be taking requests (and money) for art too (click here for details), but even if you think you don't like comics, come by and say hi anyways! We'd love to see you!


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