almost done- My Misty Knight painting...

Misty Knight by Samax (in progress... more after the blah blah)
 Yeah, it is well known that I heart me some Misty Knight. I try not to complain when she is drawn weird or treated like a sidekick or silly wimpy girl, but y'all know she is still dope, and a great representation of the surviving spirit of black women. Plus, she's HAWT! so anyways, I painted her. Peep...

You TOTALLY WORKIN' that cyborg arm, gurl...


she got a cannon 'bout the size of Grand Canyon...
This piece is 16" x 20"... I made it with acrylic and sharpies on canvas. I still wanna mess with it a little more. I'll to take some bigger pics and post when it's finished. I will put it up for sale with the proceeds going to the Wounded Warrior Project.


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