I'm Famous #10: me and Corance interviewed by KungFuJackKnife dot com

Not tryin'a brag or anything, but since I'm FAMOUS and stuff, you pro'lly wanna peep this innerview from when the fine folks at KungFuJackKnife dot com ran up on me and my loyal manservant Corance at STAPLE! Indie Media Expo back in March...

Yeah, I never lets go of the mic, buddy. So anyways, I wasn't really expecting to be interviewed, so this was a fun surprise. I love how people run up on me at comicbook shows and wanna talk to me about hip hop. I must be doing something right. In this interview, I mention the thing with Thor's Hammer, which gets shout outs from rappers ranging from Lauryn Hill to Vast Aire. And since I know some of you wanna buy it, click here to cop Khalid's book Off the Floor. Yeah, you're welcome.  Since I know you wanna buy that MF DOOM tribute issue, click here to order that from Indyplanet, tough guy!

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