Boba Fett is DEAD? Oh, HELL NAW!!!!

I was never much of a Star Wars fan... but I CUTS for Boba Fett, son (That helmet is the ILLEST!)! Looks like my dude caught a bad one... But this is issue one, so maybe he will come back from the dead? Yeah, I'm in full-blown denial, buddy!

Here's the Sales Pitch:

The news spreads from one end of the galaxy to the other like wildfire: Boba Fett, the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter, is dead.
But when members of the team that killed Fett are themselves picked off one by one, Connor Freeman--the son of one of Jango Fett's clones--gets pulled into the action in a most unexpected way!

I can almost guarantee I will forget about this before this book comes out on April 25, but it doesn't matter... not like George Lucas needs my money, right? I bet somebody who reads my blog will want to cop it though...


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