In Stores Now- "Alpha Girl #2" art by Robert Love

The second issue of Alpha Girl (the story of a young delinquent who discovers she is the only girl alive not turned into a brainless homicidal maniac) arrived in stores yesterday. With art by GhettoManga favorite Robert Love, this book is looking good...
Here's the Sales Pitch:
The action-packed second issue opens with our heroine getting her first taste of the new apocalyptic world. On the run from rabid women and mysterious men in black rubber suits, Judith flees to the suburbs where she meets Frank, a sex starved teenager with a horrible secret. Joining forces, the two teens set out to evade evisceration and find Judith's brother!

I haven't been to the comic shop this week, but  bought the first issue and liked it, so I'm definitely buying a copy of Alpha-Girl #2 if they have any left. The market for comics that offer alternate takes on the zombie apocalypse trope hasn't reached saturation yet, no matter what anybody says. I'm not exactly a big fan of the genre, I'm down with Alpha Girl so far!


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