IN STORES NOW- "SAGA #1" by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples

FACT: If you have a picture of a woman breast-feeding with one hand, holding a weapon in the other hand on the cover of your comic, you WILL receive a shout on GhettoManga. Yeah, I drew a similar image in the past (and I'll do it again...), but my hat's off to your girl Fiona Staples who bodied it on the cover to her new sci-fi/ fantasy debut Saga #1 (Brian K Vaughan's writing doesn't suck either). Peep this preview that picks up where the previous one I posted left off...

I guess I should'a warned you that there was a bare boob in this preview... ah, grow up! What? You're at work? Well, tell your boss to grow up! It wasn't a "do me baby" boob, it was a "feed my baby" boob! Big difference, right? Okay, maybe not... anyways, superstar scribe Brian K Vaughan swears his writing on Saga is his best work to date, which coming from the award-winning writer of books like Y the Last Man and Ex Machina is saying a lot. I'm definitely putting my money where his mouth is next time I drop by my comic shop. Did I mention Saga #1 came out this week? Well, it totally did, so go on and get that, tough guy...

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