Napoleon Da Legend + Crazy Al Cayne = DOWNLOAD THIS!

OH SHNAP! Napoleon Da Legend and Al Cayne have dropped a dose of medicinal grade hip hop for Free Download in the form of The Sugar Cayne Experiment Volume 1:Napoleon Da Legend.

I get a lot of rap music in my inbox. Sometimes I forget that there's other stuff out there, I get so much. I couldn't possibly listen to all of it, as much as I appreciate it, I miss a lotta stuff. That said, seeing Al Cayne's name on the initial email I got about this EP piqued my interest... Cayne represents hip hop and comics culture equally well, so I had to treat it like a contact from a respected and trusted colleague, ya dig? Good thing too, because he introduced me to one of the illest cats ever... this dude Napoleon Da Legend blew me away from day one. He does not play around on the mic. The leaks and videos Cayne and Napoleon were dropping on me took me back to a time when emcees took pride in writing and producers provided jamming tracks with samples that sent me to the encyclopedia and the library to learn my history.

So anyways, I said all that to say that this record is fly as shit. The beats Cayne made ten plus years ago serve as a firm fucking foundation for a spitter worth his weight in the precious metal of your choice. The Sugar Cayne Experiment Vol #1: Napoleon Da Legend- feels like unearthing some early Nas or Pun before they were jaded by endless confirmations of Industry Rule #4080. Deep. Hungry. Confident. If you're one of these cats constantly complaining about the decline of fine lyricism (you know who you are) your ass need to download this joint, stat! Tell a friend. If you're a deejay, spin it at the club and put it on your mixtape. Hip hop needs this shit. People YOU KNOW need it.

I know I do.


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