#nsfw PREVIEW: Kemette: Sword of Pharoahs

Wanna read a comic starring a naked Egyptian warrior chick? Who doesn't, right? Make sure your boss isn't looking, and peep these pages from Action Bunny Comix's Kemette. But then again, if you're working on Black Friday, eff your boss...

 Here's the Sales Pitch:
Chosen by the ancient Gods of Kemet, One girl has been given the task of preparing the world for an inter-dimensional enemy. As the embodiment of the Egyptian deities, Kemette is the ultimate warrior, the true Sword of the Pharoahs.
While living and fighting on an alternate world, Kemette comes to the end of her mission. The Ophidian Empire has unleashed Their dreaded 'Dragonaught' which proves to be the ultimate evil. Will Kemette survive the onslaught and finally be allowed to return to Earth?

I remember reading Kemette in Gritz 'n' Gravy, a promising, but apparently short-lived anthology magazine with a decidedly adult bent (those censorship stars are only there in these preview pages to meet Indyplanet's general audience website guidelines), and I'm glad that the series creator Preston Skylar Owens continued with the character past the magazines untimely demise. There are currently two issues of Kemette: Sword of Pharoahs available on Indyplanet. Click here to order them.

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