Subscribe to GhettoManga Quarterly magazine and get a FREE comic!

As the new issue of GhettoManga Quarterly magazine nears completion, I was wondering what it would take to get anyone having the old "to-subscribe-or-not-to-subscribe" debate to go ahead and take the leap. Yeah, I know... being the first kid on the block to receive a copy of GhettoManga Quarterly should be its own reward, but I want to give people as much bang for the buck as I possibly can. Then it hit me! Everyone likes free comics, right?

My friends and I (known collectively as the mighty GhostWerks crew) have sold over 1,000 copies of our super-sized comic Champion of Children: The Legend of Challenge, but I'm still tripping over BOXES of these books, so if you subscribe to GMQ a free copy of Legend of Challenge is yours! This 40 page smash sees the world's premier five year old superhero, Little Madd Skillz and her friends (Junior Raw, Crybaby, Burner and more... ) defend the playground from an alien attack in their biggest adventure to date. PLUS the first appearance of fan-fave ROWDY! Classic super-powered fun for All-ages!
I know many of my current readers have never gotten a chance to read Champion of Children since we sold out of the debut volume, Champion of Children: After School Special so everyone who subscribes or renews a subscription to GhettoManga Quarterly will get a signed copy of Champion of Children: Legend of Challenge shipped to them absolutely FREE while supplies last!

Did I mention the new GM issue's gonna be DOPE? Well, it is... In addition to comics by Howard Russell (Thriller) and Dan Fu (The Retriever), I've got tons of art in various media and styles on my hard-drive for the (Un) Dead Celebrities gallery including an ODB piece by Mike Hawthorne (Conan: Road of Kings, Hysteria) that will blow your mind and Robert Summer's hilarious Redd Foxx joint that I posted last week... not to mention our regular columns (BegBorrowSteal, Corance's Top 5, Movies That Should be Comics) and more!
So preorder your copy below or in the GM Store for $10 (includes shipping) or better yet subscribe and get 4 issues for the price of three (plus the free comic)! 

GhettoManga Quarterly
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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