Comicbook World #59- Phoenix Jones Unmasks...

I noticed that people were posting my fan art of Seattle's real-life masked vigilante Phoenix Jones all over the web lately, then I checked my traffic and saw that people were reading my Phoenix Jones posts more than anything else. Now I know why...

I watched a UFC pay-per-view joint at my boss's house recently and was thinking that some of those dudes look like comicbook characters... I guess Mixed Martial Arts attracts the larger-than-life types... as Phoenix Jones is revealed to be MMA fighter Benjamin "Flat Top" Fodor. Jones decided to reveal his identity after a court appearance for "allegedly" assaulting a group of rowdy drunks with pepper spray.

I figured that the coolest aspects of the story would be over if/when police got serious with Jones, because he wouldn't want to be locked up over this, and I definitely thought his identity getting out would be a problem... but he actually may kick up more ruckus now, if he's serious about recruiting more people into his already wide orbit. Jones has already shown that he is willing and able to inspire others to get involved, and his Facebook page is crawling with possible recruits (I'm on there too, but I'm too fat to fight crime, homie). Who knows? With the so-called "Tea Party" and "Occupy" movements already in full swing, maybe a masked vigilante movement is next!
The Phoenix knows...
[EDIT: click here to get a print of my fan art Dark Phoenix Jones]

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