Brandon Graham, Ross Campbell, Alan Moore and more resurrecting '90s Image Books?!?

I was shocked to find out that one of my favorite cartoonists (namely super-talented GhettoManga Award-winning writer-artist Ross Campbell) was going to be drawing a monthly Image comic bringing back Glory, the 90's era Wonder Woman knockoff originally "created" by the super-prolific rip-off machine Rob Liefeld. That was before I knew that Image was bringing back a whole slew of Rob's characters with such folks as Ross, Brandon Graham, Erik Larson, and a couple time capsuled Alan Moore script on the help-out. And yes, Rob will be participating in some of the books, too...

Bloodstrike by Tim Seeley and Francheco Gaston

Supreme by Alan Moore, Erik Larsen and Cory Hamscher
Youngblood, by John McLaughlin
art by Jon Malin & Rob Liefeld
Honestly, the only two of these books I'm checking for would come as no surprise if you read this blog much. I am particularly fond of writer-artists, but I applaud it when they step out of their comfort zone to work with others, as collaboration can make for cool synergy (when it works). Prophet will be the first time that I have gotten to read Brandon Graham (King City, Multiple Warheadz) writing for another artist. So much of what makes his comics work feels spontaneous that I'm intrigued to get a glimpse at how another artists navigates the labyrinthine twists and turns of Brandon's mind. His take on Prophet will be in good hands. I wasn't at all familiar with Simon Roy, who will pick up what Brandon's putting down on this series, but after a quick googling, found these pages from his 2009 sci-fi graphic novel Jan's Atomic Heart ... WHOA! Yeah, this book's on the must-cop list...

The other book I gotta peep, of course, is Glory. This will be Ross Campbell's very first monthly comic book. As much as I want to see Ross doing his own creator-owned stuff (for the record, (Shadoweyes In Love is AWESOME!), I think it's important for him to raise his profile, and an Image book working on a Liefeld property will do that (plus, I'm sure he's got bills...). Ross will definitely breathe lots of life into the character. And it seems like his working relationship with writer Joe Keatinge is a good one, as he noted parenthetically that there are "additional ideas by me, I got my fingers in the script!"

Glory #1 (or maybe it will not be a number 1, since Liefeld said the books will pick up the original numbering..?) is scheduled for February 2012 release, so I imagine all the books are dropping in after the new year... I'll share info when I get it.
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