"T.R.O.Y." 2011 by Dred Skott of the League of Extraordinary Gz

Hip hop duo Dred Skott recently recorded their response to the controversial execution of Troy Davis, utilizing the iconic instrumental by Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth.

Octavis "Tay" Berry (left, also known as Esbe Da 6th Street Bully) and Reggie Coby combined to form Dred Skott, and were an important part of the Austin-based hip hop collective the League of Extraordinary Gz. I was introduced to the Gz by Bavu Blakes, one of my favorite emcees, and a champion of Texas hip hop (even since he's moved to Cali...). This weekend, Bavu informed me that Tay Berry passed away on Friday. I never met him or even saw him perform live, but I definitely enjoyed his music. It's funny... when I hear of a musician or performer's death, the first thing I think of is their work. In Berry's case, my mind went straight to his chest-beating track Follow My Lead, my favorite song off the League's first Concealed Weapons mixtape. I wish I could say that I knew him, or even that I was a big supporter of his work, but I can't. But to those that can, I offer my condolences. Click here to learn more about Berry (the way I did) from Bavu's blog.

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