PREVIEW- CHEW #27 (yeah, it's from the fuuuutuuuure!)

 Because a comic about a world where the federal government has banned the consumption of poultry (ostensibly as the result of the bird flu epidemic, but there remain serious doubts about that), that stars federal agent Tony Chu (who psychicly  senses the entire history of anything he eats) isn't quite weird enough, CHEW creators John Layman and Rob Guillory have fast-forward their award-winning comic to issue 27. Incidentally, it also stars Agent Chu's twin sister Toni...

Here's the Sales Pitch:
“Space Cakes,” Part Two

Delivered from the future! We jump ahead and show you exactly where Tony Chu is nine issues and two story arcs from now. Yes, CHEW presents its version of “One Year Later.” A brilliant jumping on-point, or a pathetic cry for attention? You decide!

Also: Those frickin’ chogs return!

I'm sorry, what?!? Looks awesome! I am happily tradewaiting with this series, which just released its third volume Chew: Just Desserts last December (you can read my review here).This issue will be in stores Ninjasday May 11. If you've never read CHEW, you need to cop the CHEW Omnivore Edition Volume 1 HC first, trust me!

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