the Ofloda Monster strikes again!

One of my favorite internet friends, California zine master Ofloda Monstro, sent me a packet full of cool zines he made along with a hand-lettered note on the back of a note card...

My favorite was the 10 page comic he drew starring his daughter Isabel, who explained how much she l♥ves video games. She gave out copies of the comic at school as Valentine's Day gifts. I hope the kids liked them, but I know I got a serious kick out of them.

Even the envelope they came in was cool! The front featured a drawing of the mighty MF DOOM, and inside there was a little plastic bag with all three zines and the note inside. I should have scanned them all for you, but I didn't feel like it... hopefully he'll post them on his blog at some point. I doubt that he was thinking about my birthday (I still think Pharoahe Monch dropped his album yesterday JUST for me!), but it came at just the right time anyways!
*don't worry if you forgot! I will be observing the "Samax Amen Appreciation Festival" all week! Feel free to buy yourself something nice for my birthday!
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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