"SHARKNIFE: Double Z" nears completion!!!

Corey Lewis' long-awaited fight comic Sharknife is almost done!

"This will probably be on the back cover." Corey said of the pic above. "[Sharknife: Double Z is] still not 100% finished..." He revealed on Flickr, say that he was "finished drawing. Last remaining pages to tone / letter. Ever lettered an entire comic by hand? It's tough! Should be out this year though, GOOGLE WILLING!"
here's some random pieces from the Flickr.
this poster is old, but still fresh!
random page from Sharknife: DoubleZ
 We hear you, ya evil bastard... just hold on!
Excited yet? If you're not familiar with Sharknife, it stars Caesar Hallelujah, a waiter at a restaurant that inexplicably has walls filled with sleeping monsters. When those monsters are activated by gangsters, Caesar can transform into super-powered ninja-monster Sharknife (one K please) to protect the venue and its patrons, who come to witness these battles as much as for the food.
Having read the first volume, I'm extremely excited to get my hands on the new book. Based on the preview pages above, Lewis' art looks cleaner and more legible, helped out by judicious black-spotting. Fortunately, he's holding onto the zaney videogame-influenced action that he made popular with Sharknife and the action-packed kickball comic Peng (which stars Caesar's brother Rocky). I will definitely let you know when there is a release date!
(don't look too close, unless you don't mind spoilers...)

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