Thundercats, ho...

After witnessing the fan reaction to this blurry leaked shot last month, the studio dropped the first "official" image from the new Thundercats cartoon this week... the response I saw to the images when I reposted a link from Complete Nerdom on Facebook was mostly negative, so I expect more of the same for this "official" image released by Warner Bros...

As far as I know, Thundercats will debut later this year on Cartoon Network. The animation is being done by Studio 4C (The Animatrix, Tekkon Kinkreet, Genius Party and Mind Game), so I'm not all that worried about how the show will look. These character designs work for me, too... for me, it's all about the story and character development.
For all the worship of the franchise, I spent a lot of my middle and high school years rolling my eyes at the original show's flimsy writing and inconsistent character portrayal. Mind you, I LOVED watching it, but I am happy to see someone take a shot at updating it. Hopefully, they are able to throw away some of the cornier elements and bring us a leaner, meaner Thundercats. I'm sure it's too much too ask for them to ditch Snarf, but maybe he can have some kind of skills to justify his food rations...

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