Want some Free reefer?

I just noticed yesterday that there's new episodes of my boy Josh Boulet's action comedy smash The Green Reefer available FREE on the internet (for medicinal purposes of course), which will appeal to anyone who would like to read a comic best described as "The Tick meets Cheech & Chong" (who wouldn't).

I guess it's a good time to point out that I'm not a smoker. But from what I can tell, there's no serious reason to be against legalizing marijuana. Sure, there's the morals issues, which I respect, but is weed really any worse than alcohol? Or cigarettes for that matter? Even people who are not in support of it don't seem to have a case against it being legal, just their own reasons not to use. The only people who seem to be hardcore against it is the DEA, and maybe the people who make money off locking people up over it?
As for me, I don't smoke, but I'm in favor of lighting 'em if you got 'em. But enough o' that! click here to head over to TheGreenReefer.com to sample what Josh is passing around! You KNOW you want to...

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