In stores NOW! KING #2

The creative team that brought you Robot 13 returns with King #2, the ongoing adventures of everyone's favorite Elvis impersonator/ retired pro wrestler/ monster-killer-for-hire!

I finally got a chance to sit down and read King #2 and it went by fast! We get to see a little bit into our hero's pro-wrasslin' past, as his next clients are also counted among his fan base. After polishing off the last of the zombies from the first issue, King is hired to take out a herd of vampires that are terrorizing a nearby town, but it's possible there's more going on here than random monster shenanigans!
The Blacklist Studios crew of Thomas Hall and Daniel Bradford do another good job of bringing the exploits of their (so far) nameless hero to the printed page. Hall's writing folds bits of character development into the story to keep it moving along, and Bradford continues to experiment with the combination of horror imagery and action comedy that made the first issue work.
Good stuff. King #2 is in stores now. If your comic shop doesn't carry King (or Robot 13 for that matter), tell them to holler at their distributor Tony Shenton at for retailer pricing. If your comic shop is wack, click here to hit up one of Blacklist's internet retailers. If you missed my review of King #1, feel free to click here and check it out!

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