new drawing: Bishop of the X-men

The Daily Sketch Challenge for Wednesday was Bishop, yet another time-traveler from a bleak future of the X-men universe.

In case you didn't notice, I braided his mullet because... DAMN!
My favorite Bishop comics were not in the main book, but in the minis. The best was the first miniseries by John Ostrander and Carlos Pacheco (I think it was called Escape from Tomorrow).  I always thought Bishop was a cool character, but he needed a makeover bad. Like most black comic book characters, he seemed to be designed by someone who doesn't know any black people. They did lots of makeovers for the character over the years (including the typical shaved head look in District X, which was also a very nice book) with varying levels of success, but the easiest would have been to braid his hair. At least, it always seemed obvious to me. Of course, all of this assumes that he's black, and not samoan or something. Oh well...
Anyways, this was a difficult one. I copped out and didn't draw all the doo-dads and weapons on his costume, but Hey, it's free, so there you go. I did this in about 90 minutes, which is way over the time limit, but when am I ever gonna draw Bishop again? I mean, really? So anyways, I hope you enjoy it!  If you want a copy of this, get a free print with your paid subscription to my magazine GhettoManga Quarterly (just check the deal on the blog sidebar). I think I will end that offer New Year's Eve.
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