the Ultimate Gift for a true Comics geek

 If you've got a hardcore comics nerd in your life and want to get him a gift that'll make him slap his mama,  but don't quite wanna mortgage your house to do it, you could drop a couple Benjamins on 75 Years Of DC Comics: The Art Of Modern Mythmaking, 720 pages of pure comics history... from the arrival of that kid from Krypton, to the peak of the Hollywood Superhero boom (yeah, they got Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan in here), this joint covers it all. I snagged a massive dump of review pages off'a CBR below, so go nuts
Here's the Sales Pitch:
In 1935, DC Comics founder Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson published New Fun No. 1, the first comic book with all-new, original material—at a time when comic books were mere repositories for the castoffs of the newspaper strips. What was initially considered to be disposable media for children was well on its way to becoming the mythology of our time—the 20th century’s answer to Atlas or Zorro. More than 40,000 comic books later, in honor of the publisher’s 75th anniversary, TASCHEN has produced the single most comprehensive book on DC Comics, in an XL edition even Superman might have trouble lifting. More than 2,000 images—covers and interiors, original illustrations, photographs, film stills, and collectibles—are reproduced using the latest technology to bring the story lines, the characters, and their creators to vibrant life as they’ve never been seen before. Telling the tales behind the tomes is 38-year DC veteran Paul Levitz, whose in-depth essays trace the company’s history, from its pulp origins through to the future of digital publishing.

Year-by-year timelines that fold out to nearly four feet and biographies of the legends who built DC make this an invaluable reference for any comic book fan.

*whew!* So yeah, that's the tip of the 700 page iceberg... If your comicshop or bookstore has it, they'll be happy to sell 75 Years of DC Comics to you for a cool $200. You can save a grip by clicking here to order in on Amazon (it was around $125 when I checked, but I don't know how long that's gonna last...).

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