Powerman full color by Samax

 Yep. I finally finished that Luke Cage fan art for my dude Dwain...

Dwain is one of the new GhettoManga Quarterly subscribers, and as such, he entitled himself to this fresh Luke Cage joint. I'm happy to draw something for you too, if you want... just subscribe to my magazine (there's a paypal button on the blog sidebar) and name the (fictional or real life) character you want me to draw. You can also choose to get a print of an existing piece (like this one) instead, so if you've had your eye on something, just let me know which one you want!
Anyways, about halfway through completing this, I decided that the next issue (winter 2010) would be a Luke Cage tribute issue (i.e. the "Sweet Christmas special"). If you want to submit some Luke Cage art, click here for details.
So, I hope you enjoy the art!


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